Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hye all.
It's been a long time I did not update my blog. I think since I start masuk college. Maybe. Too many assignments that I have to do so that's why I haven't enter here and write something new.

Life in college was pretty hard that I have to compete with each other. Tak masuk college pun still kena compete kan. But , it's college. No play around lagi.

Yea , life's getting very hard when there are people yang tak puas hati dengan kita since they knew my family background. I just don't know why they act like they hate me so much. Yea , they talk shits about me. They act shits towards me. What I did to them was nothing. I just tak usik diorang , so why they do me like that ?

27.09.2011 -the historic day- that it was my first time I shed tears. I called mummy and asked her why people envy me ? Apa salah I pada diorang ? Yea , people always judge me without kenal I dulu.

On that night when I was on the phone with mummy , she told me to be patient with what comes around me. It's just that I never mixed with people from roaming that came from all over the state before. Mummy just wanted me to focus only on education. Yea I know that mummy spent a lot of money to sent me here , just nak tengok anak dia happy and berjaya.

So yeah , all I have to do is to be patient cause I know Dear Allah is always next to me. 

-Let people talk bad things about you as long as you treat them nicely-

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

ujian bulan ramadhan

Good morning readers.

Lepas sahur , rasa tak mengantuk sebab dah tidur lama gila. Hehe. Ingat nak online dekat laptop sebab internet connection for blackberry 0-0. Suka la buat masalah line nie. Sabar je la. Nasib baik ada modem , so boleh la on dekat laptop.

On je facebook , tengok ada orang sent me a message. Private message. I pun bukak la. Message from one girl. 

Dia sangat obsess dengan one guy nie. That girl , telah mengugut I supaya jangan sekat jalan dia untuk dapatkan this guy. But , the guy doesn't like her and I'm pretty sure about that because that guy (sorry if there's too many "the guy" , "the girl") admire dekat orang lain , which is me la. Haha. :P

She's keep going kacau the guy and I. The guy told me everything that the girl merayu-rayu to take her to be his girlfriend. The girl cakap dia dah lama "usha" that guy since Form 3. The guy told her that he already had a special girlfriend just because tak nak dia kacau lagi. But , he was wrong that the girl still lagi kacau dia. Siap ugut lagi akan buat apa saja untuk dapatkan the guy. Nak doa supaya the guy berpisah dengan orang yang "tersayang".

Back to the private message she sent to me. The girl boleh cakap apa tau ,  

""the guy" nak ke dekat you ? Dia nak orang yang lawa je macam I. Setakat you , apalah sangat haha."

I was kinda shocked bila baca that message. She's too much ! Tak sangka sampai macam tu sekali.

I tak pernah sangka ada orang macam tu dalam dunia nie. Pakai tudung , muka lawa , educated lagi tapi macam tak ada maruah diri. Sorry to say that. Bila fikir balik pasal apa yang dah jadi tu , kelakar pun ada. But truly , pain inside me. Dengan orang macam I nie pun ada yang dengki. Padahal I tak pernah ganggu sesiapa. Apatah lagi nak ganggu relationship orang lain.

Manusia , manusia. Sanggup buat apa saja , gadaikan maruah diri untuk dapatkan seorang lelaki. Please la , menjatuhkan martabat wanita bertudung okay. Bawak-bawak la istighfar sikit. Bulan-bulan puasa nie tak elok la dengki-dengki , hina-hina orang. *sigh*

Apa pun , apa yang jadi nie , betul-betul menguji I. Apa yang I boleh buat is , doa and bersabar. #

Saturday, August 6, 2011

one of my big family

Evening readers ! :) Nothing much to write here. Petang-petang macam nie boring pulak. 6th August 2011 , hari ke-6 puasa. So how's Ramadhan ? Hope everything's fine.

Time-time puasa nie , tak banyak benda nak buat. Maklumlah , saving energy. Nak pergi bazar pun liat. So , facebook , twitter and blog lah peneman setia. Hihi. 

Tengah tengok-tengok facebook , chatting sana-sini , tengok-tengok gambar , gambar-gambar masa sekolah dulu , awwhh...RINDU GILA..! Miss friends , miss my girls , and absolutely miss the moments. Banyak sangat kenangan masa dekat sekolah dulu. Especially bila classmates semuanya gila-gila bahasa , open minded , sporting..and "teachers" too. 

Orang selalu cakap bila kita di zaman persekolahan , tak sabar nak habis sekolah. Bila dah habis sekolah pulak , teringin nak back to school. And betul lah tu. Dah lumrah kan.

Entah bila boleh jumpa diorang semua. Masing-masing dah buat hal masing-masing. But glad semuanya ada facebook. And we have our own group. The Cekapians. That's what I call them.

Apa pun , Cekapians , no matter what happen , I , Noor Suhaida Fairuz Binti Abdul Wahab , will never ever forget you. InsyaAllah we'll meet again. 

-Lots of love , one of your classmates. xoxo.-

Friday, August 5, 2011

how to transform ?

Happy Friday everyone !

Day to day nak update , but no time. I was busy lately. Many things that need to be managed. If the previously I was busy with office work , but now I'm busy with my study case. Oh yea , I'm a college student now ! :)

I'm still new there. And there's many things yang I still tak tau. Baru seminggu belajar , alhamdulillah everything's just okay. Maybe sebab baru lagi kan so memang tak merasa lagi cabaran akan datang. Tapi alhamdulillah la semuanya berjalan lancar walaupun I've missed my first class on my first day.

Glad that kolej tu dekat je dengan rumah. So kalau nak ulang-alik pun tak ada masalah. But mummy nak I tinggal dekat hostel sebab dia nak I berdikari sendiri.

Well , is it hard actually to be independent ? Adakah semua anak bongsu adalah manja , tak boleh berdikari sendiri , semua benda nak bergantung dengan orang ? When they can't do things all by themselves , they will be blamed. Who should be blamed sebenarnya ? In my opinion , diorang sebenarnya tak salah. Sebab mereka yang pada awalnya dididik macam tu. So bila dari kecil mereka dimanjakan oleh parents diorang , memang kena redha lah bila hasilnya .....

One of my friend told me that hidup berdikari nie , ada nikmatnya. Yea I guess so. Okay , if itu yang mummy nak , I'll try. :)

Okay guys , that's all for now. Thanks for your time. Happy Fasting ! xoxo.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

miss the moment..

Hello readers ! Baru berapa hari I tak update , dah rindu are you guys ? Me ? I'm good. Hee. Happy..

Kerja I pun okay..cuma sekarang dah liat nak bangun pagi pergi kerja. Mula-mula je semangat. Tapi I akan tetap teruskan..

Nie dah bulan July dah..nak puasa dah..sekejap je masa berlalu kan. Sebenarnya nak cerita , I miss Macca so much........itu pasal la I rajin nak meng-update blog nie..walaupun baru 4 months berlalu , tapi I rasa macam dah lama tak pergi Mekah. Hmm..

Pagi tadi kakak dekat office nie bukak orang mengaji kat laptop dia. So sambil bekerja , sambil dengar-dengar la. Bila tengah dengar tu , seriously , I rasa sayu je..then I nangis..

Teringat semua kenangan masa dekat sana dari I kecil-kecil sampai la besar-besar..(haha) Kalau I la kan , ada duit sendiri , takda commitment , I nak je duduk sana lama sikit..buat amal ibadat..mummy , jom pergi lagi.. :(

InsyaAllah kalau ada rezeki , next time pergi lagi , bersihkan dosa and tambah pahala..<3 for more photos. Thanks for your time ! :)

Saturday, June 11, 2011

new life

Hello everyone ! :)

It's been so long I haven't update my blog. Agak busy lately ni. Busy dengan office work. I got no working experience before and yea it's my first time.

I am a student before and will be a college student soon. Life as a worker is not easy compared to life as a student. 2 weeks bekerja ni hmm , I admit that I'm happy with it. Happy sebab my dream come true. Dulu kerja dekat Jusco mula-mula suka la sebab beria nak kerja , then dapat. But just for 3 days. Bak kata one of my friend , I tak sesuai dengan kerja-kerja macam tu.

But after I pujuk my mummy and my eldest sister , dorang kesian and bagi la I kerja in the office. It was enjoyful seriously. For me , I don't even mind if kerja I banyak daripada I kerja dekat Jusco yang kena berdiri "24hours" tuh. Sebab dulu masa kecil-kecil , suka main office-office. Haha. But alhamdulillah la dapat jugak I isi masa I dengan bekerja. 

Bila dah start kerja ni , memang masa cukup terisi. Pagi keluar rumah , balik petang. And malam kalau boleh nak tidur paling lewat pun pukul 10. Hehe. Lupa segala masalah.

I know that bukan I sorang je yang bekerja. But just want to share with people , life as AIDA. Anyway , that's all for now. Thanks for your time ! <3

Sunday, May 29, 2011

searching for the best

Again , I'm here. :) How you guys doin ? Hope everything's goes smoothly. Sorry if I'm using broken english. Tak salah mencuba kan. :)

Day by day , night by night , every second I asyik terfikir apa dah jadi selama ni. Lately ni macam-macam that I went through. Apa yang I boleh cakap , life's become more tough. Whether I yang buat silap , or orang yang cari pasal dengan I , I just can't stop thinking about that. Semua tu seriously buat I tak senang dengan semua benda. Why do I have to face all this ? After all I've sacrificed everything , and this is what yang I dapat.

 Now , I think it's time for me to just move on because life's so hard compared to before and I'm ready for it. Tersangat lah susah bagi I nak buat decision ni. I just kena cari kekuatan tu no matter what and I have to. I don't have any choice. I did the best for my life nor for others. And yes , it was really really hard for me , and for "people" who does not really care for me anymore. I guess. But whatever it is , I'm sorry for what I've done , and I'm waiting for the forgiveness

I have my family that always support me in whatever I do.  For friends , true friends , thanks for your support too. I'm not gonna forget you for real. 

So , as the conclusion , I just accept the way you treat me even walau teruk macam mana sekalipun. For me , just let bygones be bygones. I'm just a human that always make mistakes. And I'm not perfect. EVERYBODY'S not perfect. Thank you.

Friday, May 27, 2011

what's life's for

Hello guys. :)

Long time no see. Less than a month , many things can happen in the blink of an eye. Every day we go through of different feelings. And it's ME.

I pass my days with love , sorrow , trials and challenges. And that's really made me become more mature. I am a person who likes to "play" with emotions and I also have a conflict with it. I was easily offended and quite sensitive and I easily shed tears. But I am not the one who likes to take advantage of my advantage. Saja je cakap. :)

Bulan May dah nak berakhir. Nak masuk June dah. Masing-masing dah sambung belajar kat UITM , Matrix , and Mostly lah. But still ada je yang tak start lagi. It's okay. Masing-masing tau apa yang mereka nakkan dalam hidup kan. But that's not the thing I'm gonna write here.

Lately , I perasan banyak benda yang jadi dalam hidup I. To be truth , benda yang betul-betul menguji kesabaran. And absolutely , it affects my emotions. I just could not accept what THEY did to me. Memalukan I secara terang-terangan. If I made mistakes , just come to me and tell me politely. Susah ke ? We're friends. Or maybe I je yang anggap kita kawan ? I don't know. It's just all this while , I hormatkan diorang. But at the end , they didn't.

I just don't understand what's life's for. Untuk sakitkan hati orang ? Untuk cari gaduh dengan orang ? Or untuk mengata and menghina orang ? I'm just glad that I still have people who cares about me. UNTUNG MASIH ADA YANG SAYANG kan..Besides friends , I have my family and my family is my life. 

Even I buat salah , I did asked for apologized. They shouldn't embarrassed me like so so rude. Day and night I keep thinking all about that. And it's really buat I pening kepala. My family tak pernah bosan nasihatkan I walaupun kadang-kadang benda tu simple and not so complicated. But whatever it is , I'm still glad to have my family. Seriously , they're my life. So what ?

Same goes to my friend , my true friend that still care about me anytime and whenever I need. You just always there to hear to me as a friend. I'm glad that I have people like you. I really appreciate it. Even we're not toooooooo close (TapiRasanyaDahKot) , but deep in my heart , you are still there to be my friend sampai kiamat !

Conclusion : To people like YOU , FRIENDS yang kononnya "friend, as long as I don't give a shit to you , please belajar hormatkan orang lain okay ? All I want to say is , THANKS. :)

Saturday, May 7, 2011


Hello again. Baru siang tadi update , I'm back. Hihi. 

May 6 , 12pm , result UPU keluar. I've checked. Frustrated. This is what we call , tak ada rezeki..And actually , my mum have planned to send me over into private college. 

I've been thinking about this all day long. Itupun mummy kata kalau lah tak dapat UPU. Then mummy suruh I buat rayuan. If I pegi UITM , nanti I akan dihantar jauh-jauh. I TAK NAK. I lagi prefer pergi college swasta. Boleh ulang-alik. Biar lah penat sikit daripada I tak boleh belajar sebab duduk jauh-jauh. Sedangkan one of my sisters dulu pun nangis-nangis nak balik,inikan pulak I. Mummy please...I don't wanna go that far....I promise,kalau mummy tak hantar I jauh-jauh , I will study as hard than before. 

Mummy cakap , dia nak I berdikari. Mummy , I study dalam KL pun , I can and I WILL. And now , I'm just hoping and pray for the best. 

Anyway , it's been 5 months I am free from school uniform , school rules and stuffs. And for sure , SPM ! Ahah , I dah tinggalkan zaman tu okay. I'm not school kid anymore ! And will continue my study in college. I am an adult. Yeah , I'm 18. I just don't care if you all nak gelak and think what I'm saying is something funny. It's my life. You don't feel what I feel. As long as I don't talk shit about you , so please don't dare to talk shit about me.

Well guys , "it" starts once you get into college. That's what we call LIFE. :)