Again , I'm here. :) How you guys doin ? Hope everything's goes smoothly. Sorry if I'm using broken english. Tak salah mencuba kan. :)
Day by day , night by night , every second I asyik terfikir apa dah jadi selama ni. Lately ni macam-macam that I went through. Apa yang I boleh cakap , life's become more tough. Whether I yang buat silap , or orang yang cari pasal dengan I , I just can't stop thinking about that. Semua tu seriously buat I tak senang dengan semua benda. Why do I have to face all this ? After all I've sacrificed everything , and this is what yang I dapat.
Now , I think it's time for me to just move on because life's so hard compared to before and I'm ready for it. Tersangat lah susah bagi I nak buat decision ni. I just kena cari kekuatan tu no matter what and I have to. I don't have any choice. I did the best for my life nor for others. And yes , it was really really hard for me , and for "people" who does not really care for me anymore. I guess. But whatever it is , I'm sorry for what I've done , and I'm waiting for the forgiveness.
I have my family that always support me in whatever I do. For friends , true friends , thanks for your support too. I'm not gonna forget you for real.
So , as the conclusion , I just accept the way you treat me even walau teruk macam mana sekalipun. For me , just let bygones be bygones. I'm just a human that always make mistakes. And I'm not perfect. EVERYBODY'S not perfect. Thank you.
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