Thursday, September 29, 2011


Hye all.
It's been a long time I did not update my blog. I think since I start masuk college. Maybe. Too many assignments that I have to do so that's why I haven't enter here and write something new.

Life in college was pretty hard that I have to compete with each other. Tak masuk college pun still kena compete kan. But , it's college. No play around lagi.

Yea , life's getting very hard when there are people yang tak puas hati dengan kita since they knew my family background. I just don't know why they act like they hate me so much. Yea , they talk shits about me. They act shits towards me. What I did to them was nothing. I just tak usik diorang , so why they do me like that ?

27.09.2011 -the historic day- that it was my first time I shed tears. I called mummy and asked her why people envy me ? Apa salah I pada diorang ? Yea , people always judge me without kenal I dulu.

On that night when I was on the phone with mummy , she told me to be patient with what comes around me. It's just that I never mixed with people from roaming that came from all over the state before. Mummy just wanted me to focus only on education. Yea I know that mummy spent a lot of money to sent me here , just nak tengok anak dia happy and berjaya.

So yeah , all I have to do is to be patient cause I know Dear Allah is always next to me. 

-Let people talk bad things about you as long as you treat them nicely-